Thursday 20 September 2012

Chariots of Fire 2012: we did it!

Sorry for the radio silence, my evenings have recently been taken up with training (quite) hard for the Chariots of Fire relay race 2012, which happened last Sunday 16 September...

After much anticipation, I am proud to say my team and I completed the 1.7 mile (2.7K) relay race in 1 hour and 35 minutes. I also managed to achieve my personal best of 15 minutes

Me sporting my number,  medal and t-shirt! 

Although I swore afterwards that I would never do it again, the pain seems a distant memory now and the temptation is kicking in. Is this the addiction runners talk about? Have I crossed that threshold? 

In the meantime, I am hopefully going to keep going for runs in the evenings (I wake up at night you see), and push myself to run further each time. Maybe I will even enter a 5K run...who knows. I am also currently waiting for City of Cambridge Rowing Club to get back to me about a one day taster course in October...exciting times! 

I know my sudden sport frenzy has definitely been influenced by the Olympics this year and then attending some athletics, goalball and wheelchair basketball at the Paralympics shortly after - pictures coming soon.

 The idea of trying out rowing came about once I had watched Katherine Copeland and Sophie Hosking win gold in the women's lightweight double sculls. As with many I've spoken to, I never imagined the Olympics would affect me in this way, or even at all, but I'm extremely happy they have. 

Katherine and Sophie overjoyed by their success

It's been a great year for sport and I'm hoping it has and will inspire many, like me, to carry on and try new things.